

All about me- or a lot about me anyways

I’m Kelly and I lived, until 2018, in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. We have since moved into a 1901 Victorian Farmhouse in the tiny community of Hubbard, Texas. Being a Texan is something I’m passionate about. I believe that God gave Texas a little extra blessing when He made her. I love the grit of Texas and her wide shoulders. On a bitter defeat suffered at the Alamo, Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad says: “Texans don’t bury their failures. They get inspired by them. They take their failures and turn them into rallying cries. Failures inspire Texans to become winners. But that formula is not just a formula for Texans. It’s a formula for all winners.” I believe this.

My husband Marty and I have been married since February 1986. We had no business getting married- we were barely 21 years old and had only known each other for 8 months. But when it’s right, it’s right. To say we were poor is a vast understatement. We didn’t even own furniture save 2 bedroom suits and a wonky orange crushed velvet rocker (that we lovingly dubbed the “chair of death” because there was no sitting in it with out tumping over so we always set it close to a wall as a barrier to prevent tumpage). We learned valuable lessons in those days; lessons about giving, as so many friends and family gifted us with furniture and furnishings. It was amazing. It taught us that there is always someone who might benefit from the things we no longer had use for. I’m happy to say we have had the blessing to be able to outfit others’ homes with still useful and lovely furnishings when we were able to upgrade our pieces.


Our little family

We have two daughters. Ashten was born almost 10 months to the day after our wedding date so we have essentially ALWAYS had kids. Her sister Courtney was born 21 months later. Our hearts have been overflowing since they came into our lives. We take great pride in the accomplishments of our girls. Marty and I had very little post secondary education- no college degrees here. But Ash graduated Suma Cum Laude with a degree in journalism from the University of Missouri (MIZZOU- the best in the business) and went on to graduate Magna Cum Laude from the University of Alabama School of Law (ROLL TIDE). She passed the bar in 2012 and is Corporate Counsel at a national bank. In December 2016 we happily celebrated her wedding to Dustin. If you do any exploring on my site, you’ll discover her story of love, loss, and love again. 

Courtney graduated as Salutatorian of her high school class and went on Texas Christian University (GO FROGS!) where she graduated first in her class from the Sheiffer School of Journalism. She is currently a stay-at-home mommy taking care of our precious Emmaline Beth who was born in May 2015 and Darby Mae who was born in September 2017 (both of whom fill my heart with sunshine). She lives in San Antonio with her husband Mike, who is a Captain in the USAF. He has gone from piloting the mighty C-17 to his current job of flight instructor where he’s training other brave young men and women to take to the skies to defend this great country.

I have to say that of all the hats I’ve worn, my Mimi hat is by far my favorite. You love your children, but man, there is just something about a grandchild. It’s like you get all of the good parts and none of the bad!

They aren’t your financial responsibility except for showering them with things they want and that you want them to have. And discipline is much less intense than with your children. Sometimes you have to lay down the law, but mostly it’s just happy times. It’s a role I cherish more each day. I just wish they lived a little closer so I could see them more often than once a month or so. 

It’s important that I mention the inspiration for the existence of this blog. Ashten was married in July 2013 to a precious young man named Aaron who tragically was diagnosed with an aggressive mutated form of colon cancer just days before they were wed. He only survived a short five months from the time they were married before losing that battle. He died on her birthday. It’s hard to believe it’s been years, but in that time we’ve learned that good can come from tragedy- if you look hard enough for it. We believe that our Heavenly Father has a plan and loves us in spite of our doubt. It’s what compelled me to start my blog and to try to inspire others to try things they’ve never tried and to live each moment. I’m glad you’re here.

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  1. Debra Stromer
    July 24, 2021 @ 1:44 pm

    I am trying to learn deco mesh wreath making. I am needing help making a cross shape wreath using a wire form, silk flowers, weatherable 10″ mesh. This is to be used to decorate the grave of my husband who passed April 27th. Any tutorial you have will be appreciated.


  2. Martha
    June 29, 2021 @ 4:28 pm

    Can I commission you to update a dresser for me?


    • Kelly
      June 30, 2021 @ 3:55 pm

      Martha- I’m happy to look at your piece to give you an estimate. Are you local to Hubbard?


  3. Cris
    March 7, 2021 @ 11:02 pm

    Hi Kelly! Love your wreath tutorials! They are saved on my YouTube account and my favorites to make. Could you tell me where you got your wreath stand? I bought one but it’s pretty wimpy for the large wreaths. Top heavy. Any way, would love a recommendation so I can actually see my wreaths while I add elements. Thank you!


    • Kelly
      March 9, 2021 @ 2:56 pm

      Cris- Thank you so much!! I bought that wreath stand from Amazon. It was a bit pricey if I remember. I like it because it’s adjustable and pretty sturdy and you definitely need to be able to get a look at your project up off of the table. Here’s the one I have.


  4. Debra Almanza
    January 1, 2020 @ 4:43 pm

    Hi Kelly, I’ve stumbled across your blog/site a couple of times and I must say, I absolutely love your craft room! I’m green with envy over it! Every crafts dream!!! I’m a wreathaholic, In my 2nd year of decomesh wreath making. It’s difficult at times but so satisfying to see your own finished product!
    I also loved reading about you and Your family. I love how humble you are. “It taught us that there is always someone who might benefit from the things we no longer had use for,” that right there says all anyone needs to know about you. A kind, humble and creative soul! God bless you and Your family.

    Debra from Midland, Tx


    • Kelly
      January 1, 2020 @ 5:57 pm

      Debra- You are so nice to take a moment to leave such a lovely comment. And you are so right, making wreaths can be an obsession! But as with any crafts, it’s so satisfying when you complete a project and love it. I don’t make wreaths very often anymore. My new obsession is painting furniture. But it’s the same feeling. Since I’m running the store now, I don’t have nearly as much time as I used to have. It’s a juggling act. Be sure to follow Under a Texas Sky on Facebook to see projects as they happen.

      I truly know how very blessed am I am. 34 years ago, when the hubs and I started out, it was the kindness of friends and family that provided us with so much. We barely made enough money to scrape by. I remember those days and how much it meant when people contributed to our family. I always try to pay it forward to honor those people who did so much for us. Thank God we have the opportunity to do this today. We’re truly not worthy but I’m thankful for God’s grace that has been on our lives. I’m so happy you stopped by to say hi. I always love hearing from fellow Texans! I hope your new year is blessed! -Kelly


  5. Mary E Titus
    July 8, 2019 @ 8:28 pm

    Kelly, I only just now have visited your site but I am a fan already! You hooked me when you didn’t give 400 explanation about how to strip a piece of furniture. Your title intrigued me. So, here’s the kicker. I also grew up in the D/FW area and moved away 40 years ago to become a married lady. AND, my mother was from Hubbard. Reading your story, I just had to respond. So nice to meet you!


    • Kelly
      July 9, 2019 @ 6:03 pm

      Mary- It’s lovely to meet you also! I cannot believe your mother was from Hubbard!! It’s such a tiny little town. I guess the world really is smaller than we imagine. I’m so glad you found me and took a moment to say hi. Now, sometimes I can get a bit wordy, I’ve had lots of people comment mean things on my videos about how they don’t care about me personally, they just want the steps… Seriously- those people CAN’T be from Texas. Our mamas raised us to have more manners than that. I always try to be personal. You never know when someone might need that connection. But I do try to get down to business and not waste anyone’s time either. I’ve seen some tutorials where I’m just like… ok- let’s get to it. I always have so much I’m trying to get done I need to move fast.

      Thanks again for stopping by. Blessings- Kelly


  6. Toni Micai
    May 17, 2019 @ 8:49 pm

    Just watched your bow making tutorial!! Thank you for the help!


    • Kelly
      May 22, 2019 @ 11:56 am

      Toni- I’m so happy to help!! Blessings- Kelly


  7. Valerie Corbeille
    February 3, 2019 @ 9:07 pm

    I’m watching your vanity video, and saw your little black dog in the background. My dog looks almost identical. We don’t know what her breed is as she is rescued. Do you know what breed your dog is? I will send you a picture if I can figure out how.


    • Kelly
      February 5, 2019 @ 1:00 pm

      Valerie- Sorry it took a bit to get back to you. My little black dog, Dodger was also a rescue. She was just days away from being put down at a kill shelter when the rescue group got her. She was a pitiful little thing that had sores on her ears and was so frightened. The rescue group thought she may be a Cairn Terrier (Toto) mix. If you want to send a pic of her, go to my Facebook page Under a Texas Sky and message it to me. 🙂


  8. Felicity Keith
    October 11, 2016 @ 3:18 am

    HI, Kelly, you have a happy family. I admire you much. By the way, it is a beautiful blog, i like it.


    • Kelly
      October 11, 2016 @ 12:11 pm

      Felicity – Thank you so much for the lovely compliment. I’m so glad you stopped by. Blessings! -Kelly


  9. Mary-the boondocks blog
    July 13, 2016 @ 8:20 am

    Hi Kelly, I just wanted to say you have such a lovely family. You should be very proud of your girls.

    I am coming over from Sweet Inspiration Link Party. I wanted to leave a comment on your Texas Mantel Decor but there is nowhere to comment.


    • Kelly
      July 13, 2016 @ 8:49 am

      Mary- Thank you so much! And yes, of all of the things I may create- I’ll never be able to improve on my girls; they are my masterpieces. Thank you for hosting at Sweet Inspiration and giving us a forum to share. It’s so much fun! As far as the page that has the mantel decor- I have NO IDEA why comments were disabled. I’ve fixed that issue and am so thankful you found a way to point it out to me! I hope the rest of your week is wonderful and blessed. -Kelly


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Under a Texas Sky