
Clipboard Wall Art

Clipboard Wall Art- Seriously Simple

I don’t think I’ve ever shared a project that is easier than this! Using clipboards as wall art for an office is such a clever idea. Honestly, I did not think of this on my own. I’ve recently moved into a new office space and had one wall remaining that I hadn’t personalized. After a quick search of office wall art images, I saw something similar to this project. 

 Actually, after having all but forgotten about it, I happened upon some clipboards in the office section of the grocery store. The image that I’d seen popped into my head and I quickly grabbed up the remaining three clipboards that they had in stock. At about a dollar a piece, this project was not only easy- it was cheap! As you can see by the image- there aren’t just a whole lot of instructions. Take a clipboard, add a printout of your favorite sayings in cool fonts, mount it on the wall (I used 3M Strips) and voila! ART!

There are several font sites out there where you can easily download the coolest fonts. Lots of them are rife with spam or viruses or whatever they call it when malware gets attached to your computer, so be careful. I’ll link the site I use most. I’m not at all guaranteeing that it’s safe or free of bad computery things, but I’ve always had luck with it. I use a site called Font Space

What Do You Want to Convey?

The most important aspect of this project is, of course, the messages you want to convey. Remember, everyone who ventures into your office space will likely read what you have displayed. Again, I did a quick search on the interwebs for pithy quotes. I didn’t necessarily want to use the more quoted sayings like your “keep calms” and “dancing in the rain” not that those aren’t fine quotes. These were just a a little different.

I opted for a quote from my all-time favorite book, The Little Prince (READ THIS BOOK IF YOU HAVEN’T, and be sure your children read it to). The quote from this book is “You are responsible forever, for what you have tamed.” I chose “Be Grateful” because I never want to forget how blessed I am. And finally “If it does not open… it’s not your door.” I need this reminder also. Sometimes I want to keep pushing on doors that never open, and the resulting frustration can be difficult to deal with. I’m trying to remember that every door doesn’t necessarily belong to me.  

I’m so happy with how this wall decor fits into my daily work space. 


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