In this life you will have trouble…but be of good cheer…
Follow Ashten’s journey at This Constant Hope.
Her latest blog entry:
This is Aaron. My precious son-in-law who went home to be with Jesus on December 6, 2013- my daughter’s birthday. We are people of faith, and coming to terms with why God’s children have to suffer is still such a mystery.
I do believe, however, that Aaron is free from his pain and suffering (which was unbearable) and that is a blessing. I know that God is near… and He feels our pain and loves us and is sustaining us and will. God is beginning to reveal Himself as time goes by. Aaron’s faith in the face of his illness, even until his passing and Ashten’s amazing strength is inspiring so many people. I wanted to include a link to her blog that marked her journey. While she is years removed from this time- it’s good for others to know that God always sustains us. Her journey through Aaron’s illness can bee found here: “I will rest in you.”