Who’s ready to party? THIS GIRL!

Exciting things on the horizon under a Texas sky! I’ve been teasing y’all for weeks… and we’re still not 100% there, but we are in the process of buying a 1901 Victorian Farmhouse! But y’all know how this process works- buying the new house is only half of the equation. We put our beautiful home on the market 5 days ago so we’re waiting for a buyer (praying for one, actually). All the dominoes have to fall just right, but by the end of March we hope to be blogging TONS of renovation projects. When/if it all comes together, I’ll post pics of the beautiful yellow Victorian. 

Now onto this week’s party. My feature pick for this week is Craft Room Organization from The Country Chic Cottage. You’ll find some great tips for organizing your craft room. I’ll be incorporating some of these ideas in my future craft room!

Craft room organization - ideas from a blogger that will work in any space!


Please support and follow our lovely blog party hostesses:

Jerri at Simply Sweet HomeTwitter | FB | G+ | Pin | Inst

Maisy at Becoming AliceFB | G+ | Pin

Sheree at Stage PresentsTwitter | FB | Pin | Inst | Inst

Lisa at Condo BluesTwitter | FB | G+ | Pin | Inst

Amy at A Day of Small ThingsPin

Penny at Penny’s PassionTwitter | FB | G+ | Pin | Inst

Kelly at Under a Texas SkyTwitter | FB | G+ | Pin | Inst | BL

If you are featured this week, be sure and grab a featured button for your blog!

You can show your love for this week’s favorites by going over and commenting on the posts and by pinning or sharing!

And if you love all of this week’s favorites, please pin, share, and invite your friends to this week’s linky party!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home chose

Gender Neutral Nursery from Health, Home, & Heart

Maisy at Becoming Alice chose

How to Make Fire Water: Natural Cold and Flu Remedy from Artful Homemaking


Amy at A Day of Small Things chose

Banana Split Brownie Pizza from Poinsettia Drive

Lisa at Condo Blues chose

Make your own coffee sleeves with customized designs! So simple with your Cricut and EasyPress! Get the cut file for the good morning coffee cup sleeve as well!
Penny at Penny’s Passion chose
DIY Coffee Sleeves from The Country Chic Cottage

Friday Favorites Button

Thanks so much for partying with us this week! Please add your links below.

All family friendly posts are welcome, including recipes, crafts, decor, household tips, and more!

And please support your fellow party goers by visiting other posts linked up to the party!


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