As exciting as moving to a new home can be, it should be no surprise that it also consistently ranks among one of the most stressful life experiences that the average person will have. If you feel like the stress is starting to get to you on the lead-up to your big move, then here are a few tips that can help you take care of your mental health.

Getting prepared as soon as possible
The day you are made aware that a move is on the horizon is the day you need to start preparations. The first step in preparing for a big move is to purge. We all have those items that we seem to just move from one spot to the next. Some boxes we keep moving never even get opened. It’s time to get rid of the stuff we truly no longer need.
Start with your dresser and closets. Any clothing you haven’t worn in a year, donate; shoes also. You’d be amazed at just how many clothing items that are simply taking up space. Don’t waste the time moving those items to your next home. Check those boxes in the attic next. If there are items in there that are no longer useful, toss them! This includes old college text books; check to see if they can be sold to a campus book store. If not, toss them.
Needless to say, the same applies to high school items you’ve been lugging from house to house. Go through those items, unless there is true sentimental value; get rid of it. Do you really need that ticket stub from a random high school football game? No. You don’t. Clean out, donate, and toss.
For a great moving schedule check out to see what you need to be doing and when to make your move a success. Checklists are so helpful.
Research the area you’re moving to
Many times, our jobs are what precipitate a move. If you’re heading to a city that is unfamiliar; do some research. Check out the city’s Chamber of Commerce for information on the area to which you are moving. What is the closest hospital? What grocery store options are there? Is there a gym nearby? Mechanic? These are all important questions that the Chamber of Commerce should be able to answer for you. You’ll want to check out attractions and shops near you, and get the lay of the land.
The more you know about the city to which you’re moving, the more comfortable you’ll be when you get there. This will also help you decide where you want to live within the city. Do you want to be close to city attractions and shops or are you more comfortable in a more suburban area? Research neighborhoods; look at crime statistics. You may want to live in an apartment for the first six months until you can get a feel for the city as a whole. That way you’re not locked into a mortgage on a home in an area you may hate. Take your time.\
Don’t do it all alone
Even if you’re not hiring a complete moving service, that doesn’t mean that you should take on the task of moving everything alone. For instance, you can hire teams like to ship just your furniture. Those big bulky items are the more difficult than say, loading boxes.
Trusted friends and family can help with loading boxes. Be careful though. Don’t just let anyone have access to your things. Be mindful if a friend brings a friend you don’t know. It’s better for something so personal as a move, that you actually know the people handling your things. Unless you’re using bonded and insured professionals, be wary. Be sure your items are packed securely in boxes. Use plenty of bubble wrap, packing paper, and other fillers. Just be sure everything fits tightly in the boxes and won’t be shifting around inside.
Unpack as soon as you can
Let’s face it, it’s hard to feel like you’re home when you’re surrounded by boxes. Don’t procrastinate. Start unpacking as soon as you can. Surrounding yourself with your possessions is like wrapping a warm blanket around yourself. A new house starts feeling like home as soon as your things make it out of boxes.
Some of the most important things to unpack first are your linens. You want to sleep on your own sheets and blankets. Get your towels into your bathroom pantry, ready to be used. You’ll want to have a nice hot shower the first night you stay in your new place. Then you’ll want to settle into your comfy bed for that first night’s sleep. Having your linen’s at hand will make that a possibility.
Relocating to a new city will have challenges. If you’re prepared, you’ll feel more in control of the situation. Keep in mind that the possibilities are endless! An amazing adventure awaits you. Embrace it.
Home Rental Tips -
October 7, 2020 @ 12:07 pm
[…] a home, you likely had to pay a sizable deposit. To ensure you get that deposit back when you move out, you’ll need to protect your interests. Most landlords are reputable and honest but you […]