There are not many things that rival the excitement that purchasing a new car brings. You may remember getting your first car and that feeling of freedom that came along with it. To be that young and idealistic again! As you became an adult that feeling of freedom can still grab you when getting a new car. Thinking of driving to vacation properties or to visit relatives gives you a joyful feeling. 

It’s so important that you are careful to protect your investment, however. New car prices have soared in recent years and carry huge payments. As such you want to keep your vehicle in tip top shape so you can drive it for many years to come.

Person drives a luxurious car

Buying a pre-owned vehicle

A brand new car loses a high percentage of value as soon as you drive it off the lot. As  such, you may want to consider purchasing a pre-owned vehicle. Doing so allows the previous owner to take the depreciation hit. It’s best if you can purchase a certified pre-owned vehicle. These  deals generally come with a generous warranty that will last years or for thousands of miles.

If you cannot find that sort of offer, it’s best if you let a mechanic you trust to go through the car before you purchase it. You should look to sites and publications like Edmunds to see what the reliability of the make and model of the car you’re considering. Some vehicles fare better over time than others. Just because a car is in good running condition today; it’s good to know how it may fare over time.

Auto insurance

Most states require you carry a minimum amount of auto insurance. If you are financing a vehicle, your lender will likely require you carry full coverage insurance. This means the insurance will pay for the damage to both yours and the other persons car in the event you are at fault in an accident. Carrying liability only, will only cover the damage of the vehicle you hit. Meaning you’ll be on the hook for paying for any damage your car incurred.

You can adjust limits on each of the required aspects of your auto insurance. Your coverage will determine the overall amount the insurance will cost. Your driving record is also the biggest factor in the cost of insurance. Speeding tickets and accidents will cause the premium of the insurance to skyrocket. The type of car you purchase will also determine the premium price. A sports car or vehicle that is often stolen costs more to insure. . 


The most important aspect in owning a vehicle is keeping it maintained through the life of ownership. Keep you oil changed in regular intervals. This keeps all of the engine parts working effectively. Keeping a maintenance schedule with the dealership is also a good idea. This yearly inspection will check all of the areas of your vehicle that often times need attention. Rotating your tires helps keep them from wearing unevenly over the life of the tire.

Taking care of your vehicle helps ensure it will be in the best working order and will run well for many thousands of miles.


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