There are few problems in the home that can be quite as much of a hassle to deal with as mold. It’s pervasive, it’s unsightly, and it’s potentially very harmful to your health. Mold can greatly decrease the air quality in the home, leading directly to real respiratory problems. So, what can you do when you start to see it appearing on your walls on your ceilings?

Check for risky areas

Awareness is the best way to keep mold from creeping into your home. Don’t ignore leaky windows that allow rain water into the home. If you have under sink pipes that have joints that drip, fix them. It doesn’t take long for mold to appear. You may never think about these two areas so you need to make inspecting them something your do on a monthly or quarterly basis.

If you have rooms that just have a damp feeling, find the source.

 Preventing mold

To prevent mold from spreading in the home, it’s important to make sure that you’re aware of the causes in the first place. Air leaks in the seals of your specifically around windows and doors is a prime suspect. Keeping your roof in good repair will help keep water from leaking in the attic and and on ceilings. Making sure your gutters are clear helps keep water from backing up and seeping under roof shingles. 

You’ve got to take steps to protect your property. Adding a dehumidifier in your home can make a huge difference by pulling out the dampness in the air. 

 What if you can already see mold?

If you can see mold, then you should act as soon as possible. The first thing that you want to try is using a disinfectant anti-mold cleaner to see if you can simply wipe the mold away. If so, then it’s likely only affecting the top layer of surfaces and you should focus on prevention after that. Otherwise, mold removal services are going to be needed as some parts of the home might be much more deeply contaminated. Removing moldy areas is imperative for the health of your family.

Items that can be affected by mold

Mold can spread from the walls and ceiling to affect the furniture as well as other possessions in the home; from bedding to toys to wooden utensils. Alas, if mold has hit an item in the home, then it may be too late to save it. Whether to clean or throw away items affected by mold usually depends on the type of items. Fabrics, paper, and items used with food should be thrown away. Some plastics, metals, and electronics can be okay if cleaned properly. 

The important thing is that you act on mold as soon as possible. Don’t tolerate its presence, follow the tips above and take action.


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