Making your home more energy efficient is a no brainer these days. Technology is making it easier and easier to maintain a home that maximizes energy savings. Here a few tips that will help you keep your energy costs low without any discomfort.

Industry house roof technology

Switch to a smart thermostat

Adding a smart thermostat is a cheap way to maximize your home’s heating and cooling. Smart thermostats can be controlled by your smart phone so you can control temperature settings when you’re away. You can also use them to set your heating and air to a specific temperature for when you’re out of the home at work, then have it adjust to your optimal comfort level half an hour before you get home. That way, you’re not wasting electricity by running your system all day while no one is even at home. This will save money on your utility bill every month.

Add energy efficient windows

You probably lose most of your homes efficiency through the windows.   Heated air can escape in the winter and cool air in the summer. Because our windows are generally covered by blinds and curtains, we generally don’t even think about what’s going on in and around them. Take a closer look. Do you notice your drapes moving as if in a breeze? If you don’t have the window open and you notice that kind of movement, the air is coming from somewhere. Dual-pane glass windows are a wise investment. If you’re looking for Replacement Windows, Renewal by Anderson has some incredibly energy-efficient options. Their SmartSun ™ windows are more energy-efficient than conventional dual pane windows, helping to reduce your energy bills.

If you want to make a change to your home to make it much more energy efficient, then replacing your windows is a good choice. When you have old windows that let out a lot of heat (and let the cold air in), then you will be constantly trying to heat up your home. This is going to cost you a lot when it comes to your energy bill, but also be a bad thing for the environment, using up more energy than you need. You could think about getting to keep the energy in. But when needed, they’ll open in the unique double-hung way. If your budget isn’t stretching to replacements at the moment, then make sure that you have any cracks around the windows, or in the glass themselves, sealed up or replaced.

An energy efficient boiler

The problem with older boilers is that they aren’t particularly energy-efficient. If you upgrade your boiler you’ll reduce the CO2 emissions of your property, and decrease your energy bills. According to Energy Star, ‘ Energy Star certified boilers have annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) ratings of 87% or greater for oil boilers and 90% or greater for gas boilers.’ Energy star-rated boilers have several efficient features, for example, they often have electronic ignition, which prevents the pilot light from burning out. They also have sealed combustion, which increases safety and prevents drafts.

Investing in a more energy efficient boiler can save you hundreds in utility bills over the course of time.

Improve your insulation

Not having the proper amount of insulation in your home can cause heat to escape and cold air to flood in. Check your attic space to be sure the insulation there hasn’t broken down or if it could be inadequate in any way. There are companies that will come and install the top rated rolled or blown insulation that will save you money on your energy bills long term.

Not only will you save on your energy bills, you’ll be infinitely more comfortable in your home.

Install Solar Panels

If you’re planning on keeping your home, investing in solar energy may be an investment worth making. Adding solar panels to your home is not an inexpensive proposition. You won’t see a short term return on your investment, but certainly will see a reduction in your monthly energy bills. You have to think of solar panels as a long term investment. If lots of people take advantage of being able to harness the natural power that comes from the sunshine, it could actually help with the pull on the electric grid and therefore may just help the entire community stay in the light during big energy use periods. This will help in lowering your carbon footprint.

Energy conserving habits

Creating an energy-efficient home isn’t just about upgrades and gadgets, it’s also about changing your habits. Reducing your energy usage is about mindful consumption, here are a few pointers:

  • Make sure that you always turn off lights when you leave the room.
  • Keep windows and doors closed to keep you home cool in summer and warm in winter
  • Keep your thermostat on most efficient setting for the season
  • Turn off the TV when you aren’t coming back into a room
  • Only wash and dry full loads of clothes

You’ll be surprised how much difference a few simple upgrades make to your home. With adjustments like this, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and improve your home.


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