With interest rates starting to rise, many are deciding to continue to rent instead of buying a home. If you’re currently in that situation and are living in an apartment; it may seem difficult to make it feel like a home. Even if you are limited in changes you’re allowed to make, you can still make it a place you love. And remember; it’s not about how much space you have.  Smaller living spaces can have still be made comfortable.

Finding the right location

While it’s not really the first thing you consider when trying to make your home more comfortable; the location of your apartment could make a lot of difference. There are apartments for rent in nearly every city. Choosing the most affordable apartment in the most desirable neighborhood is the goal. Even if you have to choose a place with less square footage than you’d like, it’s worth it for your peace of mind. Just find a way to work within the space you have. 

Create a garden space

The lack of having a yard is a major drawback with apartment living. Most apartments do, however, have small patios or balconies. Create a lovely green space in these areas by adding lots of potted plants. Choose varieties like gardenia trees that take up a small amount of space but fill the area with beautiful fragrance. They are also beautiful little trees. Hydrangeas thrive in containers and give a burst of vibrant color all spring and summer long. Add a little bistro set for outdoor dining and you’ve created your own oasis.

Add art to your living spaces

If you’re not allowed to paint the walls; consider adding bold, beautiful wall art. Art can be more than a decoration, it can illicit feelings of happiness and comfort. You can use a large painting as the inspiration for your entire space. Whether in the living room or bedroom, let an art piece guide your décor choices. Having neutral furniture allows you to accessorize with an entire palette of color.

Choose the right furniture

Keep the amount of furniture in your living areas as minimal as possible. This will keep your space from feeling cramped or cluttered. Clutter spaces lead to anxiety. Choose furniture that has the smallest footprint while giving the most seating. Smaller arms and the less overstuffed the better. Hanging shelves are a great way to display décor without taking up floor space with traditional shelf units.

Turn your bedroom into a sanctuary

The most relaxing and restful space in your home should be your bedroom. Thoughtful choices will help you create an oasis that you will love ending each day in.

Choose colors that are soothing and calming. Soft blues and light sage greens give a sense of calm. Keep the room clear of clutter avoid stashing extra things that don’t actually belong there. Look for beautiful furniture like an Amish bedroom set and use your bed as a focal point. You can make the space cozier and more inviting and alluring by adding cushions, rugs, throws and blankets. Use blackout blinds or lined curtains to block out light. Lamps give nice Keep tech out of your bedroom and use scents and aromas to relax you. You can buy scented candles or diffusers or use a room spray. 

Accessorizing makes a space feel like home

Adding accessories like pillows and blankets give your spaces warmth. Smaller lamps can still give a comforting ambience to any living space. Find pillows that compliment the artwork you’ve added to your walls to bring your room together in a cohesive way. Incorporating some living plants into your living space also gives a feeling of home and comfort. Be sure your apartment reflects your style. Your living space should be a haven that you look forward to coming home to.


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