Monogram Wreath with Hydrangeas

I’ve posted a video tutorial of a monogram wreath that is very similar to this one, but I wanted to give you a tutorial that wasn’t in video format for those of you who prefer this style. This is a very simple wreath and can be done in less than 30 minutes. Seriously. A friend of mine asked me to make this for her so she took care of the getting the supplies- I love that!! Here are the supplies you’ll need:

Monogram Wreath

grapevine wreath (this one is about 24″)

silk flowers- hydrangeas in this case

ribbon for a bow

large monogram

zip ties or floral wire

wire cutters

hot glue (I use a glue skillet) with melted glue pellets

Let’s get started!

Start by prepping your flowers. I cut the hydrangea blooms off using some strong wire cutters. Be sure to leave at least 1 1/2″ to 2″ of the stem. This is what will be glued to the wreath form. Coat the stem in hot glue- in my case, I dip it into my glue skillet.

Monogram Wreath

Come over to the grapevine wreath and work the stem into your starting point.

Monogram Wreath

Just force it between the twigs. The glue I use is super strong and holds great! Add the other flowers using the same method. I sort of dry fitted all of the elements before starting so I had a rough idea where to glue everything down.

Monogram Wreath

Monogram Wreath

After you start adding things, take a second to stop and see how it’s looking.

Next I added some of the leaves off of the stems. Flowers have leaves… your wreath should too- all these little things add visual interest.

Monogram Wreath

The monogram I used was already painted and ready to go but it did not have a hanger on the back. On the video tutorial letter I used much thinner letter that I drilled through to attach the floral wire to attach it to the wreath. This letter was much thicker. The Mean Man had the idea of attaching picture frame hardware (we have lots of these in kits we’ve bought over the years). He attached the hardware to the top and bottom of the monogram.

Monogram Wreath

Now in this pic I show you my first idea of using floral wire to attache the monogram to the wreath. I changed my mind though and went with a zip tie (not pictured). I just like how you can really control the tightness of the contact using a zip tie over floral wire. Just be sure you can securely attach the monogram.

Monogram Wreath Attaching floral wire to attach monogram

Lastly I attached the bow. Now, you’ll notice the bow I had attached at first is NOT the bow I wound up using. I just didn’t like the quality of the bow. So, I took some 3″ burlap and used the ol’ Bowdabra and made a simple two-loop bow for this wreath. I attached it through the bow wire (check out my Bowdabra tutorial to see what the heck I’m referring to) using a twist tie.

Monogram Wreath

Voila! A pretty, simple, and QUICK monogram wreath with hydrangeas in under 30 minutes!

Monogram Wreath Completed

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