Damaging storms can occur anytime. Depending on where you live, you know to when to prepare for dangerous weather as you’ve learned the seasonal pattern of storms. When you live in a region known as “Tornado Alley” like I do, you’re especially aware in the spring months. If you happen to live in an area where damaging storms are rare; it’s still good to have a plan just in case. Be sure the family knows what to do in the event of a tornado, hurricane, or other natural disaster.

Staying safe

If you find yourself in the aftermath of a damaging storm, the safety of your family and yourself is first priority. Downed powerlines can be deadly. Stay away from any and all downed or low powerlines. Don’t even get close. Electricity can travel through water. Even if you’re not right next to a downed powerline, you can still be electrocuted. Wait for emergency crews to give the all clear before venturing out near power lines.

Getting homes repaired quickly in the aftermath of a storm is a priority for most homeowners. Use caution while assessing damage. Walls can become unstable in high winds and flooding. Staying with friends or relatives until the insurance company clears the rental of hotel rooms is the safest place to be. Emergency shelters are another great place to wait until a more permanent location can be secured.

When packing your valuables and belongings, use the same caution as when assessing damage. The insurance company will have someone out as quickly as they can.

Record damage

Keeping a record of all damage is important. Take lots of pictures for the insurance agency. Homes that are still habitable may still need some extra help cleaning up post storm damage. Companies like Moport restoration are resources for a clean up of this magnitude. Mold will likely start to appear in areas where flooding has occurred. Getting your home dry as quickly as possible makes a huge difference. 

Record damage inside and out. Note trees that have fallen as well as fencing damage, patio coverings, and furniture as well. Try not to miss anything.

Contact your insurance company

Get in touch with your insurance company as soon as possible. They will likely be flooded with claims, so get in line fast. Most insurance companies have online resources that will allow policy holders to report damages as soon as it’s safe. Make yourself available to meet the adjuster. Be sure to denote your address on your home in large painted letters. Include street name and number.

Try to stay calm and be sure to contact loved ones quickly as possible to let them know the situation.


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