Hopefully winter where you live will be on the mild side. Even if you’ve had extreme winter weather, there are still home maintenance tasks that need to be addressed. Home ownership is something most dream of; but remember, it comes with continuing projects that have to be done year round to help maintain your investment. Don’t let things slip through the crack because it may be bitter cold outside. You’ll regret it later when small issues become big problems.

Brown wooden house during snow

Check and service your heating system

Your heating system is the linchpin of your home’s thermal integrity. Keeping your HV/AC unit in tip top shape is important regardless of the season. Keeping your outside unit clean and debris free is necessary year round. Your unit will work much harder if it’s trying to pull clean air in through clogged coils. This can cause your unit to freeze whether the weather is cold or warm. This will, in turn, cause your utility bills to soar.

Get with an AC repair specialist at the start of the season. They will do a multiple point inspection of your HV/AC unit inside and out to be sure it’s working efficiently. If any problems are found, they can be handled before things get to uncomfortable outside. You don’t want to wait until it’s freezing outside before you have a system failure. It will likely be more difficult to get a service tech to your house quickly at the peak of bad weather. Prevention is the best way to prep for winter or summer.

Fill in any gaps in windows and doors

Can you see daylight around your exterior doors? Do you feel the cold air seeping in around your windows? If so, you are losing valuable heating or cooling in your home, and that is costing you money in utility bills. To keep your heating and cooling costs as low as possible, ensuring the seals around windows and doors cannot be ignored. You heating system has to work much harder and longer to heat your home if you have vulnerable areas allowing cold air to flow in.

If you feel like this is a job you’d rather not tackle; look for a handyman nearby to check this out for you.

Clean gutters

Having gutters in good working condition is so important. Gutters around your house ensure water will be carried away from your foundation. This is help keep erosion around your foundation to a minimum. Gutters that are clogged with debris do not allow water to flow to the downspout. This in turn causes water to back up and can work it’s way under shingles causing leaks inside the home. Falling leaves are notorious for clogging gutters. With that in mind, you should remove any excess leaves and debris from your gutters before winter hits.

Keeping gutters clear of debris help keep a flood of water from damaging the area around your home. This will help protect the integrity of your foundation and keep your home in the best condition possible. Consider investing in seamless gutter installation, to keep clogs to a minimum.

Check your roof 

Your roof is likely to have taken quite the battering from the weather over the past few months. As the part of the home most exposed to the elements, you should consider having your roof inspected for any damage. Even small bits of damage, such as a cracked or chipped tile, and missing shingles can lead to leaks that spread water damage from the top of the home, down. Ask friends and family for references on who to contact for professional roofing companies in your area. Always hire local contractors and not one that just popped in from out of state to make a quick buck. Hiring  a professional might be something you want to wait on. You should still carefully (using strict safety precautions) examine your roof for any drips or leaks. Finding leaks that you can’t repair means it’s time to call in the professionals.


Taking care of your home during winter is a great way to avoid expensive repairs and keep your family more comfortable. Make a list of all of the areas of your home you need to double check when entering the winter months. This will ensure you don’t forget any vital areas that may need maintenance.


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