Let’s face it; if 2020 were a fish, we’d throw it back. From pandemics, to riots, to murder hornets; it’s enough to make you want to crawl under the covers and stay there. But we cannot allow circumstances to defeat us. There is no question that even though it’s August, we could all use a new lease on life; a fresh start. 

Getting a new lease on life really starts with fresh idea about your life. I’m not talking about wholesale changes, but small things that can grow into larger accomplishments. It can be something as small as reconnecting with a old friend. Social media is a great tool for doing just that. We are feeling more and more cut off from society, but you can still make connections. Don’t forget, we still need each other. 

You can also simply dedicate some time to becoming a better you. Those social connections may be a part of that. Changing your diet or exercise habits can also lead to feeling better about your situation. You know I believe in tapping in to your creativity. Creating something beautiful truly makes a soul happy. Watch some tutorials, learn something new.

If you’re feeling like you need a new lease on life, try some of the following and maybe try some of your own ideas as well.

Consider A New Viewpoint

I think if I were to ask you how you view yourself, I’d be met with lots of you who are unhappy with your bodies. Society has changed some in regards to how we view body types, but it’s what WE believe about ourselves that matters most. If you are unhappy with how you look, it tends to color how you see the world; and the chances you’re willing to take.

If you’re carrying around extra weight, it literally can weigh down your ability to feel like you’re in charge of your life. Stop looking at your diet for comfort; it’s about a new viewpoint. Remember, the food you eat is simply fuel for your body. If you want your body to run efficiently, you need to fill it with the best fuel you can.

You need to live your life in the healthiest way possible, so you can thrive in years to come. Most of you know that I used to be extremely obese. With the help of an appetite suppressant prescribed by my doctor, and a diet that consisted of strict adherence to a specified number of calories, I lost over 80 pounds. No surgery was involved; just a desire to be healthier, so I could live longer.  

You need to set realistic goals as well. It probably took years to put on the extra pounds you carry. Those pounds will not come off overnight. Give yourself time. But you must start with a plan and a goal. I started with my diet and worked up to adding exercise. I’m not gonna lie, it took me over a year to lose the weight I lost. But I did lose it and that’s what counts.

Change One Bad Habit

Focusing on one bad habit you’d like to change can, quite literally, change your entire outlook. As soon as your read the words “bad habit” I’d guess something specific popped into your head. Maybe you find yourself spending too many hours sitting in front of your computer screen. If you find yourself neglecting chores that should be done because you can’t pull yourself away from those gaming videos, or cooking tutorials, or even old cartoons, this may be a bad habit. 

Anything that keeps you from something necessary in your life can become a bad habit. I seriously can remember when Nintendo first  came out. Super Mario Brothers became an obsession. It didn’t matter that I was a grown adult with two children. Granted, I was still in my early 20s, but I could not wait to be able to sit down at that gaming console. If that meant the clothes sat in the washer a while longer before going into the dryer, I didn’t care. I just had to get to that flag at the end of each round. 

I literally had to make the decision dedicate a set amount of time to play and cut myself off. It doesn’t take long for a habit to form. Recognize it when it’s happening and make the decision to control it. Just pick one and see how you feel after you get it under control. Conquering the small things give you the courage to tackle bigger, more meaningful things.

Try Something New

Trying something new is also a great way to find a new lease on life. If you’ve followed me for any length of time you know that this is my mantra. It’s never too late to learn a new skill. The perfect example of this for me, was when we bought our 1901 Victorian. We moved to a tiny Texas town and were plunged into a huge renovation. I had retired and found myself longing for an outlet for my creativity. 

Reading a few blogs got me interested in rescuing old furniture. I started small, I’d find cheap old end tables on the marketplace that were for sell and bring them home. Painting furniture became a hobby that turned into a small business where I sold my refinished furniture at a local antique mall. 

That was two short years ago, and now I lease 60% of a downtown store and have purchased my own store across the street from my current location. I tell everyone that I’m living a dream I didn’t know I had. Don’t be afraid to try something new. It could lead to an amazing adventure and new career path. Entrepreneurship wasn’t even on my radar, but I now find myself expanding to new business ventures. Be brave and try that new thing you’ve been considering. It could change your life. 

Consider Your Style

As already mentioned, getting healthy can lead to a fresh perspective on life and on yourself.  Taking care of yourself is good for you we know this. Feeling good about yourself tends to make you more likely to reach out to others. It’s likely a confidence boost you may have been lacking before. When I lost all that weight, I became a better version of myself, which showed in the way I dressed.

Clearly I’m a bit of a rebel when it comes to style. My purple hair proves this. The confidence it takes to pull this look off comes with knowing that I’m doing all I can to live my best life. I don’t worry so much about what others think, what I think is what’s important. Style isn’t just the type of clothing your wear.

As a person who wears glasses, I love to reflect my style in the frames I choose. It’s becoming a bit difficult to shop for glasses these days because of the pandemic restrictions. Trying on frames wearing a mask is the worst case scenario. Thank goodness it’s possible to shop for glasses online these days!

Knowing you need to avoid stores as much as possible, shopping as a whole has suffered. But you still have to update your eye wear. I love shopping for glasses online. That’s how I purchased the pair I’m wearing now. Cost was the main factor; the designer frames I have were much cheaper online.

Shopping for clothing online is another great option. If you live in a rural area like me, it’s really the best option as it’s a long trek to town to shop a department store. Stores like mine have live online sales monthly and ship across the country. Most of the time, your orders are received within 3-5 days.

Remember to shop local if you can . Many local shops have the same cute fashions in their stores as is found in bigger retailers. These stores, like mine, have suffered a bit because of shut downs and could use those local shoppers to help prop up sales. 

Getting a new lease on life and feeling like you’ve gotten a fresh start really is just a matter of taking control of your life. Working in the points discussed here can help you do that.

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