Are you dreaming of moving from your current home into brand new construction? You might be looking to downsize as your nest has emptied. Selling your current home is all that’s standing in the way of making a new move a reality. The market is competitive right now with lots of buyers and the key to selling your home quickly is to make your home attractive to buyers. Here are some things to consider when selling your home.

White and brown concrete bungalow under clear blue sky
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

A beautiful kitchen

Kitchens sell houses. If your kitchen is in need of attention, get after it. You probably don’t want to take on the expense of replacing kitchen cabinets if your home is going on the market. But, it’s imperative that your kitchen makes a good impression none-the-less. The best way to make this happen is to clean. clean, clean. Scrub those old cabinets until they are free of all dust and grime. Clean out the cabinets and get rid of all of the dishes that are on their last leg. Expect a potential buyer to open the cabinets to get an idea of their condition and layout.

Energy efficiency

Even if you’re selling an older home, you cannot forget that buyers are still looking for energy efficiency. Having the best rated insulation will go a long way in easing a buyer’s mind about energy bills. There are several options to consider when updating your home’s insulation. The differences are varied in open cell spray foam vs closed cell foam insulation so do your research to see what is best to attract buyers. It’s generally worth it to make the investment in this area. 

Curb appeal

Curb appeal is the thing that gets your house noticed. You want to give the impression that your home is well-cared for. Clean up landscape beds and trim trees and hedges. Refresh the landscaping with fresh mulch. It’s amazing how clean and new an area can look with fresh mulch. Pull weeds throughout the yard and be sure the lawn is mowed. Don’t neglect using an edger to create crisp cut lines around sidewalks and streets.

Depending on the season, a garden of fresh flowers always make a home look more beautiful. You can simply put flowers into planters and place them around the front of the home. Be sure to water and maintain them so they always look fresh and lovely. Think of it as dressing up your home for visitors.

Small Upgrades And Simple Decorating

Making your home attractive to buyers doesn’t have to be a major project. Small updates can have a big impact. Think about it, when a potential buyer walks into your home, what is their first impression? It doesn’t matter if your home is solidly built and structurally sound, the first impression is how does it look; style wise?

Having fresh décor is the easiest and most common home improvement you can make. Fresh paint on the walls in neutral colors can add life to dull room. Keep it clean and clutter free and a buyer will have a great feeling when touring your home.

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